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1 min read

by Hollie Siddique on 8th Apr 2020

Working from home has recently become the national norm and, luckily for us at DMC, generating exceptional press coverage and online content for our clients is something we have been able to adapt to doing from the comfort of our make-shift home offices.

We would also be amiss if we said that there weren’t a few perks... We’ve been through the pyjamas drawer three times over, the fridge has taken a bashing, our furry family members have never been happier and our MD Susan Tydesley has become quite the TikTok star, jumping to more than 200k video views in two days thanks to her commentator husbands’ trending videos (Greg James even gave the pair a shoutout on Radio 1!)

But it’s safe to say that, like everyone else, we definitely don’t want to do this forever. While our daily team zoom calls are helping to ensure that business remains booming, they’ve done little to replace our work-place fun and friendships.  

So, while we can’t wait till #WhenThisIsAllOver, at DMC we’re trying to make the most out of the current situation and wanted to share some resources that are helping us to stay informed, healthy and productive…


1)   Tips on how brands can navigate social media during a crisis


2)   How to lean into your community and share your experiences on Linkedin


3)   Top tech hacks to stay healthy and productive when working from home (featuring our client Blueair – had to be done!)


4)   The NHS’s landing page for self-isolation advice, updated daily with the latest information


5)   Help and support from Samaritans if you’re worried about your mental health during the outbreak and also if you’re worried about somebody else


6)   Advice for small businesses navigating the furlough minefield right now


7)   The Calm app to create a natural transition from workday into evening if you’re finding it hard to switch off


8)   The Cut magazine’s list of 102 ways to give back during the Coronavirus Pandemic