Job type

Brewery worker

£13.5k - £28k

Typical salary

42 – 44

Hours per week

Brewery workers brew and package beer.

More info

  • Brew and package beer
  • With further study or training, option to move into technical brewing
  • Requires a reasonable level of physical fitness

As a brewery worker you'll work on the whole beer-making process, or concentrate on certain stages.


  • Weighing and mixing ingredients
  • Keeping records of ingredients
  • Monitoring the temperature and quality of the beer
  • Washing and cleaning brewing containers and work areas
  • Sterilising equipment
  • Labelling and packing products
  • Transferring beer into kegs, casks, bottles or cans
  • Loading the beer onto lorries
  • At some smaller breweries, you might deliver to local customers


You may need to work evenings or weekends. This is a physically active role, so you'll need a reasonable level of fitness. Conditions are sometimes noisy and humid. 

You'll usually wear protective clothing and safety boots. If you work in the loading area or on deliveries you could be out in all weathers. 

You'll need

A brewery worker is an ideal role for someone with enthusiasm for and knowledge of brewing and beers.

There are no set requirements, but you could do an intermediate apprenticeship in food and drink brewing industry skills.

You may have an advantage if you have some experience in brewing or distilling. 

You may be able to start as a production assistant or warehouse worker and take training on the job through your employer. Training could include qualifications offered by the Institute of Brewing and Distilling.


With experience, you could progress to supervisor. With further study or training, you could move into technical brewing.

You could become self-employed and set up your own micro-brewery.