Job type

Cellar technician

£20k - £30k

Typical salary

42 – 44

Hours per week

Cellar technicians install and maintain drinks systems in places like pubs, bars, hotels and restaurants.

More info

  • Install and maintain drinks systems in pubs, clubs and bars
  • With experience, option to progress to supervisor, manager, or move into sales
  • Involves work in the cellars and storerooms of bars and pubs, which may be cold and cramped


  • Calculating and ordering parts
  • Fitting drinks systems into a customer's premises
  • Finding and fixing faults, including checking temperature and pressure of drinks systems
  • Training bar staff on how to use new equipment
  • Promoting new products to customers
  • Setting up temporary bars for special events, like festivals and keeping records of completed work


As a cellar technician, you could work in a pub or visit sites. Your working environment may be cramped and you'll travel often.

You may work on a rota responding to emergency calls.

You'll need

Ideal role for someone with the ability to work on their own, the ability to work well with their hands and the ability to think clearly using logic and reasoning.

You can apply directly to employers for this role and do training while you work. It could be an advantage if you've got experience in mechanical engineering, refrigeration, plumbing or electrical work.

You could take the Level 2 Technical Certificate in Cellar Service Installation and Maintenance course, offered by The Brewing, Food and Beverage Industry Suppliers Association.

It may also be possible to get into this job by working behind a bar and in a bar cellar. Once you're working, your employer may give you the chance to take a cellar management course, like the one offered by Cask Marque.

You could also do a college course and then try to find a trainee job with a drinks company. Courses include a level 2 Diploma in Engineering, level 2 Diploma in Installing and Maintaining Refrigeration Systems and level 2 Diploma in Plumbing.

Alternatively, you may be able to do a drinks dispense technician advanced apprenticeship, which takes about 18 months of studies alongside your work.

It would be helpful to join the British Institute of Innkeeping for training opportunities and to make industry contacts.


With experience you could become a supervisor, manager, or move into equipment services and sales.