Job type

Motorsport engineer

£18k - £60k

Typical salary

39 – 41

Hours per week

Motorsport engineers design, build and test racing cars and bikes.

More info

  • Design, build, test and fine-tune cars and motorcycles for racing
  • You'll need excellent maths, science and technology skills, and high levels of motivation
  • Hours are long, but this is an exciting, fast-paced industry to work in

Work as an engineer in the design, testing, production; or in racing motorsport vehicles.


In design, testing or production:

  • Assess new ideas by looking at performance, strength, costs and safety
  • Design prototypes with computer-aided design (CAD) software
  • Test components and bodywork
  • Test working models on the track
  • Build production models and carry out quality control checks
  • 'Finishing' vehicles with the team's colours and sponsorship logos

In racing:

  • Set up vehicles to suit track and weather conditions
  • Monitor engine speed and other data during races
  • Fine-tune the vehicle
  • Send technical instructions to the driver/rider
  • Carry out 'after-tests' on vehicles after a race to look for signs of damage


You could work at a car manufacturing plant, at a garage or in a laboratory.

You'll need

To be a motorsport engineer, you'll need the ability to use, repair and maintain machines and tools, thoroughness and attention to detail, analytical thinking skills, customer service skills, persistence and determination, the ability to work well with others, and problem-solving skills.
You'll normally need a foundation degree, higher national diploma or degree in an engineering course such as motorsport, automotive, electronic, or mechanical. It's useful to look for courses with work placements included with manufacturers and suppliers.

You could also get into this job through a degree apprenticeship as a manufacturing engineer.

Volunteering experience is a great way to build contacts in the industry and make yourself known. Volunteers in Motorsport and British Motorsports Marshals Club have lots of ways to get involved.


With experience, you could specialise in a particular engineering field, like engine transmission or electronics.

You could also progress to test or workshop manager, chief engineer, technical coordinator or technical manager.

You could even work towards incorporated or chartered engineer status by applying to the Engineering Council.