Job type

Circus performer

£18k - £28k

Typical salary

45 – 47

Hours per week

Circus performers entertain audiences with displays of skills like acrobatics and clowning

More info

  • Requires physical fitness and stamina, as well as good timing, coordination, self-discipline, and motivation
  • With experience you could improve your skills and create new acts or form your own circus company
  • Your role may involve physically demanding work, performing indoors or outdoors, and periods away from home

As a circus performer your could perform solo or as part of a group, performing one act or base your act around several different skills. Circus Performers can perform an act based on several different skills and perform them to an audience often in street theatre, festivals or parties and corporate events. Circus Performers also use their skills in other areas of performing arts like theatre, opera and film.


  • Performing one circus act, or basing your act around several different skills
  • Keeping fit
  • Rehearsing and performing
  • Developing new acts
  • Maintaining equipment you use in your act
  • Travelling (if you're with a touring company)


You could work in a travelling show, at a tv studio, at a film studio, in a theatre or on a film set. Your working environment may be outdoors some of the time, travelling often and spending nights away from home. This role is physically demanding.

Your income may vary widely as work is often part-time or temporary. 

Your working hours may be long and irregular. Most performances are in the evenings and at weekends. Part-time and seasonal work is common.

You'll need

This role requires physical fitness and stamina, as well as good timing, coordination, self-discipline, and motivation.

You'll need a high standard of ability in at least one circus art. Your talent and skills are more important than academic qualifications.

You may have an advantage if you already have gymnastics and dance skills.

There are organisations who offer various circus arts activities and training. Training may be part-time community circus courses or weekend and summer workshops.

You may find it useful to join organisations like the Circus Development Network for professional recognition, training opportunities and to make industry contacts.

You may be able to find seasonal or casual work as a general assistant with a touring circus company. Once working, you'll need to show you have the ability and circus skills to become part of their company.

You could do a college course to gain the skills you need such as level 2 or 3 in Performing Arts, level 3 in Performing and Production Arts (Circus) and level 3 Diploma in Circus Skills.

Studying towards a course can be useful especially if they include mime, dance, physical theatre skills or circus skills.

You can also get a foundation degree or degree in circus arts through the National Centre for Circus Arts or Circomedia. You can apply directly to the National Centre for Circus Arts. You'll be expected to attend an audition before being offered a place.

Circomedia courses are accredited by Bath Spa University and you'll apply through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).


With experience you could improve your skills and create new acts or form your own circus company.