Job type


£17k - £24k

Typical salary

41 – 43

Hours per week

Bottlers fill, pack and operate bottling machinery in food, drink and bottling factories.

More info

  • Requires good practical skills, accuracy, and the ability to operate automated machinery
  • With experience, option to progress to team supervisor or manager
  • You'll be based in a factory environment and may need to do some heavy lifting


  • Setting up machines and starting the bottling process
  • Sorting out any problems with the production line so bottling is not held up
  • Reporting more serious machinery problems to your line manager or a technician
  • Keeping machinery clean and sterile to meet high standards of food safety
  • Making sure bottles or jars are correctly filled and labelled


As a bottler you will normally work in a factory which may be noisy. You may need to wear protective clothing.

You'll need

There are no set entry requirements if you want to apply directly for a job as a bottler, but some employers may ask for GCSEs in English and maths. Any previous practical experience you have in manufacturing will be useful.

You can get into this job through an intermediate apprenticeship as a food and drink process operator.

You could also do the General Certificate in Packaging offered by the Institute of Brewing and Distilling. You'll normally need to be working in a bottling plant or small brewery to do this.


With experience, you could become a production line team leader. You could also train to work as a machinery technician or quality control assistant, or move into warehouse work.