Job type

Equity research analyst

£40k - £800k

Typical salary

45 – 65

Hours per week

Equity researchers analyse companies which are on the stock market and give investment advice based on their research.

More info

  • Use your investigative and data analysis skills to provide invaluable advice
  • Research and get exclusive access to data for some of the leading global corporations
  • Get a name for yourself in the corporate world as the expert for a sector

As an equity researcher, you'll be in a front office division in investment banks. Some banks also have research in their markets division, and you can also get equity research roles in the buy side as well (asset managers and hedge funds).


Day-to-day tasks will depend on what kind of equity researcher you are and what sector you specialise in (e.g. oil & gas or pharmaceuticals). You will be going through the companies' press releases, data and financial accounts to determine the state of the company and if it is worth investing. 

As an equity researcher in an investment bank, you will primarily be selling your research to the bank's clients. As an equity researcher in the buy side (asset management or hedge fund) you will tend to research stocks which to add to your company's portfolio and assist your portfolio managers with their investment strategy.


You'll work in an office, and you'll be working long hours. Your working environment may be stressful at times.

You'll need

This role requires micro-analytical skills, good communication and presentation skills, team-work and leadership skills, time management skills, and the ability to cope well under pressure.

You would usually need a degree in a numerate subject to break into a career in equity research. One of the key routes is to do an internship while you are at university. Most banks and asset management firms tend to offer summer and off-cycle internships for university students/recent graduates, and if you perform well on your internship, they might give you an offer to join them once you have completed your studies.


As you progress in your role and make accurate predictions, you can gain a name for yourself in the industry or in your speciality.

It is common for a lot of equity research analysts at investment banks to go work for asset managers and hedge funds later on in their careers as either a researcher or portfolio manager, and some even move over to private equity.