Job type

Product manager

£25k - £82k

Typical salary

37 – 45

Hours per week

Product managers plan and manage the development, roll out and ongoing improvements to products and services.

More info

  • Product managers take overall responsibility for the design, development, and delivery of products and services
  • Combine creative ability, with research and project management skills
  • This is a growing field with specialist opportunities in technology product management

Product managers take responsibility for the design, development, and delivery of products and services for organisations. You'll take ownership of a product or range of products - these could be physical products or online products - and manage the process of designing, testing, researching, developing and delivering a successful outcome for customers.


  • Gathering and interpreting user or customer feedback
  • Planning new product features or development
  • Specifying changes to be made to production or programming teams
  • Creating timelines or 'roadmaps' for product development
  • Managing budgets and delivery deadlines


You'll work 9-5 hours, usually in the head office of an organisation. You may have to work overtime to finish projects.

You'll need

There are no set requirements for this kind of role, but it can be helpful to have qualifications in a related area like design, business, market research, project management, or technology.

There are specialist qualifications in product management available, but many product managers move into this kind of role from other fields, like market research, product design or development, project management, or programming.


There is a growing need for specialist technology product managers, people who have the ability to develop successful online products taking into account user experience (UX) design and development.

With experience, you may be able to progress to executive or board level, in roles like Vice President (VP) of product, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, or Chief Technology Officer.